Game 154 – Vs Mark Ellis – Legion
of Everblight – 08/03/18
My list:
Adeptis Rahn (Defenders of Ios)
-Sylys Wyshnaylrr, The Seeker
Arcantrik Force Generator
Arcantrik Force Generator
Arcanist Mechanik
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen
Max Houseguard Halberdiers
-Officer & Standard Bearer
Max Houseguard Halberdiers
-Officer & Standard Bearer
Lynus Wesselbaum & Edrea
His List:
Fyanna, Torment of Everblight (Oracles of Annihilation)
-Naga Nightlurker
-Nephilim Bloodseer
Blighted Nyss Shepherd
Blighted Nyss Sorceress &
The Forsaken
The Forsaken
Blackfrost Shard
Having seen Rahn gain some success
internationally I decided that it was time to get the assassin supreme on the
table again. A list by Mike Ireland using 2 AFGs in Defenders of Ios had
intrigued me, so I switched a few things up (I really don’t like Discordia with
Rahn) and got it on the table. First test game was against Mark with a Fyanna2
beast brick. I won the roll to go first and we got moving.
Rahn TKs both battle engines and puts Polarity Shield onto the right unit of Halberdiers before moving up
into the central forest. Both units of Halberdiers move up in Shield Wall to protect them against a deceptively
large amount of shooting. The Battle Engines both run, getting to within a TK of being in each zone.
Mark considers his options for a
while before opting to push up a bit so as to threaten the zones with his
impressive threat ranges, and Feat. From the theme benefit Fury is sat on the Neraph, Iron
Flesh on the Blackfrost Shard and Admonition
on the right Angelius.
Forcing Fyanna to feat so
defensively definitely feels good, so this turn is about not risking too much
and waiting out the feat. I find a way that I can reasonably comfortably trade
my Chimera for the Hellion, and it feels like a pretty good option, so I put
the wheels in motion. The Chimera runs up before Rahn TK’s the Hellion forward
and around, also moving both AFGs into the zones before the Right AFG shoots
and destroys the Hellion. Most of the rest of my forces back off out of threat
ranges, with the right Halberdiers able to be a bit more aggressive due to Polarity Shield.
Mark takes the Chimera that I
offered, before Slipstreaming the
Angel back into the forest. As everything else is out of range Mark has no real
options but running up and getting into the zones, and take whatever I can do
to him next turn. The Neraph runs super aggressively to engage a lot of the
right Halberdiers. Nobody scores so the score starts at 0-0.
This is the turn where I need to
get some work done and take a strong lead in the game. AFGs open fire into the
heavies, taking out the central Angelius, but missing the last shot into the
left one. The rest of my army has to work out a way to remove the Neraph who is
up in my lines and it takes everything to get the job done, Rahn himself having
to charge in and finish the beast off. 3 Halbs charge the right Angelius and
deal impressive damage with their boost from Team Effort. Again, nobody scores.
Having to charge Rahn himself into
combat has left him a vulnerable this turn, so Mark puts together an
assassination run on him. With a Slipstream
and a Charge he can get the left Angelius into Rahn, so his turn becomes
clearing out the route. Between Fyanna, the Blackfrost Shard, the Seraph and
the Bloodseer the route and landing spot are cleared, allowing the Angelius to
charge in. Fortunately for me the dice don’t go Mark’s way and Rahn is left on
4 boxes. Mark concedes. (Pic is taken without moving the Angel as we knew what
was happening at that point)
You know
what isn’t fun, taking a 46% assassination chance to the face. I could have
moved Rahn differently on my turn to keep him out of range, but I opted to move
him to where he was in order to keep him in range of the Fane Knight’s Shield Guard. Possible an error in
hindsight but I was concerned about the potential of 5 gunshots going into me,
especially with Flare involved. I
like the feel of the list though. Being able to get into the zones with AFGs
and aim from T2 feels really strong so I’ll be giving this list a few more
Good job mate...Love reading these