
Friday 3 August 2018

Game 222: Vyros2 vs Rasheth

Game 222 – Vs Ryan Longthorne – Skorne – 14/07/18

My list:
Vryos, Incissar of the Dawnguard (Forges of War)
-Sylys Wyshnaylrr, The Seeker
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik
House Shyeel Artificer
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress
House Shyeel Arcanists
House Shyeel Arcanists

His List:
Dominar Rasheth (Winds of Death)
-Basilisk Krea
-Cyclops Raider
-Cyclops Shaman
-Cyclops Shaman
Siege Animantarax
Siege Animantarax
Extoller Soulward
Extoller Soulward
Mortitheurge Willbreaker
Venator Dakar
Max Paingiver Beast Handlers
Max Venator Reivers
-Office & Standard Bearer
Min Venator Slingers

This weekend was the North West Team Championship which I attended with the England Roses Team (playing Trolls, Cryx, Menoth and Crucible Guard). The tournament was run as a 16 team 3 round event before splitting into round robin groups on the Sunday. For the first round we played against the Merseyside Mammoths, a local team that I play against regularly, with me matched up against Ryan Longthorne. We both knew it was going to be Rasheth vs Vyros2 and with me winning the first turn we get moving.

Deceleration and run. It isn’t complicated.

Ryan moves up and arcs a spell into Lanyssa, taking her out. He puts some shots into my jacks, dealing minimal damage.

I take out the remaining slingers with my guns and a single Griffon, using the rest to dance around the Skorne threat ranges, knowing that Ryan would have to come in and contest the scenario soon.

Ryan is able to take out my forward Griffon, but it essentially takes his whole army to do so, with just a few shots going into my other jacks. 1-0 lead to Ryan.

I decide to go for a strong scenario push, hoping that Vyros’ sheer bulk can keep him alive the next turn. I take clear both zones and take out 2 of the lights, scoring 3 to lead 3-1.

Ryan recognises his position as assassinate or but so Feats, Blood Marks Vyros and starts laying into him with his guns. It feels really close with just the turtles left but they roll the 6 shots they need and take him out with the last one.


-      Assassination was pretty much a coin flip, and I feel that I needed to leave it on to get the attrition play that I needed, could possibly have had another shield guard in range though
-      Team won the round 3-2 so the loss didn’t change things too much, but it was a stressful hour between my finishing (and another team mate losing) and the rest of the guys pulling through

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