
Wednesday 2 January 2019

Game 274: Elara2 vs Scaverous

Game 274 – Vs Chris Young – Cryx – 18/10/18

My list:
Elara, Death's Shadow (Shadows of the Retribution)
Arcanist Mechanik
Narn, Mage Hunter of Ios
Max Mage Hunter Infiltrators
Max Mage Hunter Infiltrators
-Eiryss, Mage Hunter Commander
Max Mage Hunter Strike Force
Max Mage Hunter Strike Force

His List:
Lord Exhumator Scaverous (Black Industries)
Aiakos, Scourge of the Meredius
Warwitch Initiate Deneghra
Ogrun Bokur

Second game of the evening with Elara, this time testing her into Chris’ “Hateful Eight” Cryx list. Basically Scaverous, both journeymen (journeypeople?) and all 5 character heavies. I win the first turn and we get moving.
As per the previous game, Elara puts up Scything Touch on Narn and Teleports forward. Apparently I never learn. Everything runs, trying to stay aware of the Cryx threat ranges.

Chris runs everything up, getting both Arc Nodes into trenched to force me to use Strike Force sub-optimally, but in doing so doesn’t get it within 5” of the Infiltrators to get Breath Stealer onto them. The rest of the jacks run up, presenting a pretty intimidating battle line.
I have some models that can get into melee with my Feat, so decide that this is as good a time as ever. Strike Force shoot 11 man CRAs into both Arc Nodes, dealing good damage to them including taking out the Arc Node of Scaverous’. Melee doesn’t go as well unfortunately, as I miss a few attacks on Erebus including getting Moros pushed back. He is doing a pretty poor job of convincing me he should be in the list. I do finish off Deneghra’s Node though. Chris has left nothing in Ambush range do the infiltrators just run on to cause trouble.

Chris does a good job of clearing my models, but the order of activation that he is forced to use means the Souls don’t really end up where he wants them. I lose a lot of Mage Hunters from various units, but still feels that I have enough to push on through the game. Chris scores his zone but I score mine and my flag to lead 2-1.

4CPs to win, and we’re on Mirage, so that’s very possible. It essentially comes down to me needing to kill the objective and Malice (sat with 3 souls at armour 20). Elara charges and Teleports dealing a bit of damage to Malice and more importantly applying Dark Shroud to both Malice and the objective. The ambushing Infiltrators take out the objective, and a Siren and the Strike Force combine to just about take out Malice. I win 6-1 on scenario.


This is very much how I see this list working. I took early position allowing me to press hard on scenario. Yes, I was helped by the scenario being extremely live, but even if it wasn’t I took out 2 heavies, and had a full unit of Strike Force on the left ready to deal with Erebus so would have been in a pretty strong attrition position. This was the first time for Chris using this list, and it does seem to have a lot of moving parts, so I’ve no doubt that with some more reps it could be a really tricky list to play against.

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