Game 11 – Vs Paul Sheard – Circle
Orboros – 15/04/17
My list:
Garryth, Blade of Retribution
Arkantrik Force Generator
Dahlia & Skarath
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik
Lanyssa Ryssyl
Lys Healer
Max Dawnguard Sentinels
-Officer and Standard
His List:
Kaya the Moonhunter
-Druid Wilder
-Feral Warpwolf
-Warpwolf Stalker
-Wild Argus
-Rip Horn Satyr
Blackclad Wayfarer
Gallows Grove
Sentry Stone & Mannekins
Shifting Stones
-Stone Keeper
My first game with the Retribution
forum flavour of the month sees me up against Paul, a Retribution player
himself who is making the switch over to Circle. As a side note, in my first 11
games with Retribution I have now played 10 different factions. The only change
I made to the accepted Garryth wisdom was droppin the 3rd Mechanik
and the Soulless Escort for a Lys Healer, with the thought that it saves
Garryth needing Heightened Reflexes on
himself, or allows him to cast it on the Sentinels.
I won the first turn and ran my models up. Sentry was cast on the AFG and Mirage on the Sentinels. Paul responded by running his forces up and attempting a couple of Mannekin sprays on Skarath, but none of them did any damage.
My turn 2 was fairly uneventful
with the huge amount of Stealth in the Circle force making it hard for me to
damage anything. The AFG put a load of difficult terrain on the table and
Lanyssa moved to within command of the Feral with Winter Storm up to deny it Pathfinder.
Skarath sprays off the 3 Mannekins and Garryth shoots a stone like a
Kaya’s feat turn strikes and is
pretty devastating. The Stalker charges in assisted by Dogpile and Hunter’s Mark and
killed around 6 Sentinels before teleporting back. I had misplaced Lanyssa by
about 1/8th of an inch so she met a similar fate by the hand of the
Feral. A spawned Mannekin contests the left flag and sprays another Sentinel,
and the Gallows Grove moves up to score on the right flag. 1-0 Circle
Despite being 1-0 down on scenario
I realise that I can score 2 points this turn fairly safely and start to put
pressure on Paul. His feat has probably moved his beasts too far back and as
such I have a turn of relative safety. The Sentry
shot kills the Gallows Grove and the Vengeance
and Apparition moves put the
Sentinels in position to charge. I have never played a list where there is so
much to do in the Maintenance and Control phases. Skarath clears out the
Mannekin, Helios charges and kills the Sentry Stone, pulls in the Argus and
puts some damage on it, while on the right flank the AFG runs to the flag. In
the centre the Sentinels kill the Wayfarer and generally just get in the way.
2-1 Retribution
Forced Evolutioned Ghetorix hits pretty hard, and leaves the Helios on about 4 boxes.
The Argus combostrikes and finishes it off but vitally fails to get within
range of the flag. Not being able to charge the AFG is an issue for him so he
opts to just run the Feral in to engage. All of my Sentinels give up their
lives for a good cause. 3-1 Retribution
With Skarath sat on one flag
getting my 4th point I needed to remove either the Feral or the 2
Stones and Keeper. Either way the Feral needed to be on the ground so my Sentry shot knocked it down and did a
few boxes of damage. The AFG could then aim and either put 2 POW 16s into the
Wolf leaving Garryth to finish it off, or as I went with, put a shot into the
Keeper and one in the stone, killing both. Garryth charged the last stone in
contact with the flag and score the 5th Control Point.
Well I
wasn’t expecting scenario to be Garryth’s course to victory but I was pleased
with how I switched up to a scenario game after Paul’s feat turn. He could and
should have contested the left flag during his turn but I may still have been
able to clear the 3 flags. The 3 AFG shots and 2 from Garryth would have gone
into the Warpwolf (or even better, Gallows may have pulled it far enough away)
and the Stones could have been removed by Skarath but it would have been
tricky. I think had he not moved as far back on his feat turn I would have been
in real trouble but that comes from experience. In general I really enjoyed
Garryth and can’t wait to get more games in with him.
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