

Monday 4 June 2018

Game 207: Kaelyssa vs Haley2

Game 207 – Vs Dan Green – Cygnar – 03/06/18

My list:
Kaelyssa, The Night’s Whisper (Defenders of Ios)
Arcantrik Force Generator
Arcantrik Force Generator
Arcanist Mechanik
Aelyth Vyr, Blade of Nyssor
Fane Knights Skeryth Issyen
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
Max Ryssovass Defenders
-Soulless Escort
Max Ryssovass Defenders
-Soulless Escort

His List:
Major Victoria Haley (Heavy Metal)
Captain Arlan Strangeways
Trencher Warcaster Lieutenant
Min Field Machaniks
Trencher Combat Engineers

Round 3 put me into a Haley2 vs Kaelyssa matchup for the second time in a week. It went well first time so am optimistic that I can get another win. Dan wins the roll to go first.

TK on 3 of the Heavies and everything runs up, with the Trencher team hiding out behind the building on the right.

I struggle a bit with my placement this turn, but choose to just stay out of range of any melee attacks on important models, and get as far up the table as I can, anticipating a Feat from Haley next turn.

Charger shooting reduces Issyen to 3 boxes, and some Ryssovass die. Other than that Dan goes for a control turn, feating on 4 Defenders, Helios, AFG and Issyen, and TKing the AFG round to prevent it from doing anything next turn.

Dan positioned well to stop me from getting more than 1 jack this turn, so I choose to take out Thorn, forcing Haley to need to get up close if she wants to TK my models. Kaelyysa Feats and Stalls Thorn and Helios pulls it in and kills it. My Ryssovass run up to get in the way and keep Helios safe next turn. Centurion is knocked down and Disrupted. 2-0 lead to me.

Dan tries to clear out as many Ryssovass as he can but misses a few due to Def14 and I roll well on tough, meaning that only 6 or so die. Issyen is finished off, allowing Dan to clear his flag. 3-2 for me (missed a CP here, it should have been 4-2)

Everything is lined up for a strong attrition turn, and between AFGs, Helios and the Ryssovass I am able to take out both Stormclads and the Avenger, with the Centurion again knocked down and Disrupted. I lead 5-2

Charger shoots off Arcanist, Haley Time Bombs some Ryssovass, but the game is up. 6-3

I push the Centurion out of the left zone and run Kaelyssa in to win 9-4 on scenario.


-      It was a very good matchup 3 games ago and it still is now.
-      I like the list a lot, Ryssovass defenders felt good in this game as there wasn’t too much pressure on them to 1 round the heavies as long as the important bits were cut out with Precision Strike.
-      Moved to 2-1 in the event, but then dropped as I had somewhere to be.
-      Liked the list pair a lot, it felt like it had a lot of options and even when list chicken was lost (such as against Cryx) I still had game. Will be testing it more and seeing how I get on

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