

Friday 1 June 2018

Game 203: Kaelyssa vs Barnabas2

Game 203 – Vs Adam Jones – Minions – 30/05/18

My list:
Kaelyssa, The Night’s Whisper (Defenders of Ios)
Arcantrik Force Generator
Arcantrik Force Generator
Arcanist Mechanik
Aelyth Vyr, Blade of Nyssor
Fane Knights Skeryth Issyen
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
Max Ryssovass Defenders
-Soulless Escort
Max Ryssovass Defenders
-Soulless Escort

His List:
Barnabas, Lord of Blood (Will Work for Food)
-Bone Shakers
-Gatorman Soul Slave
-Blackhide Wrastler
-Blackhide Wrastler
-Bull Snapper
Dahlia Hallyr
Eilish Garrity, the Occultist
Gatorman Witch Doctor
Wrong Eye
Swamp Gobber Chef
Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron

Further testing of Kaelyssa Defenders, also first time seeing Barny2. I win the roll to go first.

Messed up deployment, meant to have Refuge on an AFG at the start of the game but wasn’t close enough with Kaelyssa, so put it on herself instead. Everything runs.

Onslaught and Desecration cast on Barny, who gets 3 corpses from pot. WE+SJ Submerge. Dahlia casts Haunting Melody and everything runs up.

Pull in left Wrastler with Helios and kill with AFG and Defenders, trying to keep as many out of Spray range of Skarath as possible. Kaelyssa feats and I push up on the right.

Barny can’t do much under my Feat, so runs to engage with Bone Swarms and hopes I choke on Def15 models under Star Crossed from Wrong Eye. One Swarm gets 3 Corpses from the pot.

Misposition from Adam means I can charge Phantom Hunter Helios into Wrong Eye, killing him and pushing the right Wrastler into range of Defenders. AFG + Defenders kill it. I damage 2 Bone Swarms and Skarath pretty badly but don’t kill any.

With 3 Heavies down Adam feels that he has to go for assassination. Ryssovass are cleared out and Kaelyssa Hunters Marked. It still comes down to needing to roll 12s on Kaelyysa and only 1 of the 3 lands, leaving her on 4 boxes. Adam concedes.


-      Good to see Barny on the table, he is incredibly hard to kill and can play very aggressively.
-      Changing the list to Defenders gives a lot more game into Hordes, but Precision Strike isn’t seeming as important as I thought it would.
-      Sprays are a problem, but tough and Def12 can reduce a lot of the damage

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