

Thursday 17 January 2019

Game 291: Issyria vs Ravyn

Game 291 – Vs Paul Garrett – Retribution – 28/12/18

My list:
Issyria, Sibyl of Dawn (Legions of Dawn)
Dawnguard Trident
Dawnguard Trident
House Shyeel Artificer
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
Min Dawnguard Destors
Max Dawnguard Sentinels
-Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard Bearer
-Soulless Escort

His List:
Ravyn, the Eternal Light (Slaughter Fleet Raiders)
Arcanist Mechanik
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
Ghost Sniper
Ghost Sniper
Houseguard Thane
Houseguard Thane
Heavy Rifle Team
Heavy Rifle Team
House Vyre Electromancers
Max Houseguard Halberdiers
-Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard
Max Houseguard Halberdiers
-Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard
Stormfall Archers

A rare mirror match. Paul was watching my previous game against Cryx and between us were wondering whether my list would be able to handle the combination of Countermeasures and highly accurate shooting that his list had. Despite me having +1, Paul won the roll to go first, which certainly made things a bit more difficult.

After Advance Moving up, Paul runs up all his troops, with Snipe on Hyperion and Countermeasures on the left unit of Halberdiers (the ones in front of my Tridents, in a shock turn of events)

I’m under the cosh pretty early here, and now I know how it feels playing into an aggressive Defenders list, but I also know that the first thing an opponent needs to do is not panic. I spready out pretty wide, take defensive positions where possible, and stay largely out of threat. The Phoenix pushes up a bit further as with Admonition it is going to be tricky to deal with.

Ravyn’s Feat turn, and a pretty devastating volley of shooting. Imperatus takes a pretty big hit, and is then Disrupted by Eiryss, with the nearby Eiryss being Consumed by Hyperion. The Phoenix takes some damage, but following an advance up with the Halberdiers is able to Admonition into combat, which thankfully meant that even Feat boosted Stormfalls missed. On the left the Countermeasured Halberdiers run up in an attempt to shut down my Tridents.

I am set a pretty difficult puzzle to solve, but have enough tools to be able to work it out. Issyria moves up and Feats, allowing the Destors and Imperatus to clear out the front line of Halberdiers. One Trident takes out the rest of the unit, allowing the other to deal about a third of the boxes to Hyperion. On the right I manage to clear a route for the Phoenix to get a good Combustion off, but don’t roll particularly well. I clear the left zone, but didn’t have the foresight to have a unit in it. 0-0

Paul starts playing fairly hard for scenario, taking out the objective to clear the central zone. Again, Imperatus is Disrupted by Eiryss, and Hyperion moves up aggressively into the left zone. On the right, the Phoenix is finished off by the Halberdiers, and the Stormfalls set 5 of the Sentinels on fire, hoping to kill them without triggering Vengeance. Paul leads 2-0.

I have one job this turn, kill Hyperion. I have 2 Tridents, guns from 2 Destors and a Disrupted Imperatus to do it, and whilst both tridents only rolled up a single Power Token, I am just about able to take it down. On the right I take out most of the Halberdiers, and sitting looking uncomfortable in front of the Stormfalls and Ghost Snipers. 2-1 to Paul.

Paul can fairly easily score the middle zone this turn, but the left has gone completely and there would be no way to score further points from there. He is also fairly low on time, and so makes a big play and tries to take out a Trident with Ravyn. Even with her new martial prowess she leaves it on about 10 boxes, and unable to Sprint away, sits in front of my army. Paul concedes.


This was the first game where I really appreciated the strength of this list. Paul is a really strong opponent and played this game well, but even when under severe pressure in the early turns the list was able to play around it and get ahead in the game. I just want to play this list all the time, it has so many answers to things. I’m not sure with it as a pair to Goreshade, but I have a 2 day event in January to work that out.

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