

Friday 3 August 2018

Game 229: Rahn vs Anamag

Game 229 – Vs Mark Ellis – Legion – 26/07/18

My list:
Adeptis Rahn (Defenders of Ios)
Arcantrik Force Generator
Arcantrik Force Generator
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen
Max Houseguard Halberdiers
-Officer & Standard Bearer
-Soulless Escort
Stormfall Archers
Stormfall Archers
Lynus Wesselbaum & Edrea Lloryrr

His List:
Anamag the Doom Feaster (Storm Division)
-Ammok the Truthbearer
Spell Martyr
Spell Martyr
Totem Hunter
Warmonger War Chief
Max Blighted Ogrun Warmongers
-Gorag Rotteneye
Max Chosen of Everblight
Max Chosen of Everblight

Game 2 of Rahn practice sees me up against Anamag and her Chosen for the first time. I win the first turn.

Polarity Shield is cast onto the Halberdiers and everything gets up the board.

The Orgrun all get up the table and take up aggressive positions. The unit on the right has the +2 Arm spell cast on them, and everything is within the Blight Bringer bubble

I feel that the Phoenix can be used as a decent momentum piece here to hopefully deal with a few Chosen. The AFGs shoot at the Hellmouths, destroying the one on the right and reducing the left to a couple of boxes. The Phoenix goes in and takes out 2 of the Chosen.

Mark removes the Phoenix in return and pushes further up the table.

I need to get some serious work done this turn, and take out most of the remaining Chosen whilst leaving the Warmongers alone. I take out 2 of the 3 on the left along with the Hellmouth, but some good tough and healing rolls mean I don’t take out any on the right. 0-0

Mark removes Issyen, most of the Halberdiers and my objective, taking a 3-0 scenario lead.

I can’t see a good way back from here so work out a very unlikely assassination. I manage to get Anamag TK’d around and stripped of Fury by Eiryss, but all I have left is Stormfall shooting and they can’t get the job done. I concede.


-      A reasonably comfortable win for Mark in the end, but I did manage to do a reasonable chunk of damage.
-      I don’t like the Stormfalls, and will be making some changes to the list to get a couple of Ghost Snipers in there
-      Think this is a winnable game with practice, so will want to get some more reps in

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