

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Game 250: Vyros2 vs Grim1

Game 250 – Vs Andy Garrard – Trollbloods – 01/09/18

My list:
Vryos, Incissar of the Dawnguard (Forges of War)
-Sylys Wyshnaylrr, The Seeker
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik
Arcanist Mechanik
House Shyeel Artificer
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress
House Shyeel Arcanists
House Shyeel Arcanists

His List:
Grim Angus (Storm of the North)
-Trollkin Runebearer
-Dire Troll Brawler
-Dire Troll Mauler
-Earthborn Dire Troll
-Troll Impaler
Swamp Gobber Chef
Troll Whelps
Valka Curseborn, Chieftain of the North
Min Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes
-Northkin Elder
Northkin Bear Handlers & Battle Bears
Northkin Bear Handlers & Battle Bears
Northkin Fire Eaters
Northkin Fire Eaters

Round 2 of Blood & Oil saw me up against my team captain for the WTC. We had played a few games a couple of weeks before and both knew that the matchup had to be Grim against Vyros. I win the first turn.

Take anti-spray formation, cast Deceleration and run.

Andy moves up and spreads out, putting the Fire Eaters in positions on the flanks ready to Assault in next turn

I continue to push up under Deceleration, making sure to keep Griffons back to take the shot from Grim

I missed an assassination angle on Vyros which Andy goes for. He knocks down Vyros with a Man Trap on the Manticore before Trampling in the Earthborn and buying 3 attacks. Some high dice mean Vyros is left on one box. Grim Feats and the Fire Eaters push further up the table

I feel pretty good about my position despite Vyros being close to death. Whilst most of my Griffons are within the Feat, 3 can be freed up by shooting the Runebearer. I take out the Earthborn and Valka and put some decent damage onto the Brawler. I score my flag and Feat. 1-0

The Bears come on and push up the flanks, Andy throws the contesting Griffon out of the zone and concentrates on not killing any models, but deals a lot of damage to a number of Griffons. 2-1 to Andy.

Andy hasn’t been able to back away far enough, and Grim is in range of 2 Fleeted Griffons. I build up Synergy, take out the Impaler which was his only Transfer target, and charge the Griffons in, the first one spiking damage and taking him out.


-      I shouldn’t have allowed an assassination run on Vyros, but was pleased with how I played in the following turn, I managed to keep my head and get Vyros safe whilst still positioning to win the game.
-      Andy and I discussed the matchup after the game, and thing that Vyros is reasonably favoured due to the way the Feats interact. Grim wants to win the game the turn after his Feat, but Vyros counter-Feating makes scoring extremely difficult, which forces Grim into an honest game.

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